Brew Guide - Espresso

How to make delicious espresso coffee.

How to make delicious espresso coffee.

Espresso Brew Guide

Coffee Used: Royal Parade Blend.

Dose: 20g

Yield: 42g – 46g

Time: 27 – 32 seconds

1. Remove portafilter, rinse & dry to remove risidual coffee.

2. Place dosing cup on scales and tare, then add 20g of fresh coffee beans.

3. Tip coffee beans into the bean hopper.

Note: For home or office, your bean hopper should never be used to store coffee beans. To keep your coffee fresh, always store in an airtight cannister or coffee bag that has a resealable zip lock.

4. Place dosing cup beneath exit funnel and grind all 20gm of coffee through.

Note: Always grind coffee beans just prior to brewing. Using freshly ground coffee will always taste better.

5. Weigh & check dosing cup for 20gm. Add or remove if over / under.

6. Load portafilter, level out coffee.

7. Firmly tamp coffee to create an even surface, wipe away any loose grinds.

8. Flush espresso machine for a second or two.

9. Place portafilter in machine and begin extraction ASAP.

Aim for a 27-32 second extraction time.

Note: if your extraction is not within the time frame you will need to adjust your grind accordingly.

If extraction time exceeds 32 seconds make your grind slighty coarser.

If extraction time is less than 27 seconds make your grind slighty finer.

To keep track of your extraction time & yeild, use a scale & timer.

Note: Never leave loaded portafilter in coffee machine group head for longer than 5 seconds without beginning extraction. If you do your coffee will start to burn.

10. Remove used coffee from portafilter. Rinse portafilter and return to machine.

11. Half fill milk pitcher with fresh, cold milk.

14. Purge steam wand into damp cloth to rid of risidual water.

15. Submerge steam tip just below surface of milk. Begin texturing, let some air get into the milk (listen for a slight hissing noise), this will create volume. Maintain a steady flowing whirlpool. This will create a silky texture. 

Note: Keep position of your milk pitcher steady throughout the entire milk texturing process, never move pitcher side to side.

16. Once you have reached desired temperature, quickly cease texturing.

Note: To know your milk is at correct temperature, touch the side (not the bottom) of your pitcher using your free hand. It should be very uncomfortable for you to touch when heated correctly (aim between 60 – 70 degrees). 

To be sure, use a thermometer.

17. With a damp cloth purge wand & wipe clean.

18. Gently swirl coffee and milk prior to pouring.

19. Begin with a high pour to ensure milk combines well with coffee crema.

20. Then bring closer and pour into the centre to create latte art.

Practice makes perfect.

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